Bienvenidos / Welcome to the American Ladino League

La Liga Amerikana del Ladino (LAL) apoya la komunita diversa i kresiente de avlantes i edukadores en los Estados Unidos. Kreemos en avrir los estudios del ladino a todos los ke esten interesados. Sea kual sea vuestro konosimiento, sean kual sean vuestros butos, muestro asortimento de programes i manaderos vos ayudaran en vuestro kamino de la lingua.

The American Ladino League (ALL) supports the diverse and growing community of Ladino speakers and educators in the United States. We believe in opening Ladino studies to all who are interested. Whatever your background, whatever your goals, our suite of programs and resources will help you on your Ladino journey.

Manadero del Mez / Resource of the Month

This month, we are featuring the Enkontros de Alhad series, a weekly synchronous (live) program held via Zoom every Sunday at 11:00am Eastern Time (or 12:00pm when Daylight Saving Time begins). With more than 200 programs, recorded entirely in varieties of Judeo-Spanish (including Haketia), this program is an incredible resource for those interested in listening to the language today and learning about a range of cultural, historical, linguistic, and literary topics. All episodes are recorded and archived, which you can find here


The Enkontros de Alhad series began in 2020, spearheaded by Liliana and Marcelo Benveniste of Centro Cultural Sefarad, based in Argentina. More than a dozen international institutions and partners take turns as a “balabay” (host) welcomes a different “musafir” (guest) each week.


To view other resources, visit our Manaderos/ Resources page.  

Haberes / News

click image to read Aviya Kushner's piece in The Forward
Rachel Bortnick writes in Ladino about the many activities available to Ladino speakers in the United States.
click image to read Rachel Bortnick's piece in La Djente

Welcome to America’s new hub for Ladino language learning and community.


Online correspondence

  • Ladinokomunita, now in its 25th year, created by Rachel Amado Bortnick, this online correspondence group welcomes 1,500 members from around the world who write about a variety of topics, all in Ladino. To learn more and subscribe, visit this page.
Social media
  • Los Ladinadores, created by Aldo Sevi, this Facebook group provides a variety of educational resources in Ladino, facilitating written communication among its more than 6,700 members. To learn more and join this group, visit this page.
  • Haketía Entre Mozotros, created by Alicia Sisso Raz, this Facebook group is for speakers and learners of Haketia; with more than 1,800 members, this page is a great resource for practicing Moroccan Judeo-Spanish. To learn more and join this group, visit this page.

Conversation groups

  • The Ladino Lounge, with the American Ladino League, will host a weekly virtual meetup for learners as well as speakers of Ladino; Thursdays (starting May 2) at 3:30pm ET/12:30pm PT. The first twenty minutes of each session will be dedicated to beginners of the language; the remaining time will be for more advanced speakers. To register: click here.
  • Echar Lashon, with Gabor Szabo’s Kantoniko, this virtual meetup (Zoom) gathers weekly for conversation in Ladino. For details, visit this page.



  • Enkontros de Alhad, with Centro Cultural Sefarad, Sundays via Zoom, YouTube

Video Documentation


Radio and Podcast

  • Penserios en Ladino, with Rachel Amado Bortnick, Podcast (weekly)
  • El Ponte, with Max Daniel and Ivy Jane, Podcast
  • Kan Ladino, with Alegra Amado and Kobi Zarco, Radio (weekly)
  • Ladino Refranes: Idioms, Insults, and Dirty Words, with Cynthia Flash, Podcast
  • Radio Exterior: Emisión en sefardí, with Matilde Barnatán and Viviana Rajel Barnatán, Radio (weekly)

Television and Film

  • Every Time We Say Goodbye (1986), IMDB (film)
  • Kulüp, The Club (2021), Netflix (series)
  • Novia Que Te Vea (1994), IMDB (film)
  • The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem (2021), Netflix (series)

Select Sephardic and Ladino related films available on YouTube




  • A guide to reading and writing Judezmo, by David Bunis (1975). The Judezmo Society. This guide can be downloaded from the author’s page; website.


  • Writing the Ladino Script, with David Bunis. Stroum Center for Jewish Studies, University of Washington. In this video, Prof. Bunis demonstrates how to write each letter in Rashi and Solitreo alphabets; video


  • Documenting Judeo-Spanish, Binghamton University. Online portal with tooltip and hover over interactivity, as well as parallel transcription (romanization) and translation (into English); website

  • Solitreo Font, Google Fonts, the first fully operational Solitreo font, compatible with all Google Suite products (e.g. Google Docs), website
  • Ladino Type, a transliteration engine that converts Ladino text written in the Latin alphabet into Solitreo and Rashi, website






  • The National Library of Israel has digitized a range of periodicals from a hundred years ago printed in Ladino in Rashi font, including Istanbul’s El Tiempo, Salonica’s La Epoka, and Sarajevo’s La Alborada, among others; website (select Ladino from “language” dropdown menu)
    • Note (1): Information appearing in the headings or subheadings is often printed in Meruba instead of Rashi characters.
    • Note (2): For periodicals printed in the United States, such as New York’s La Amerika or La Vara, Meruba characters were utilized instead of Rashi.


  • A guide to reading and writing Judezmo, by David Bunis (1975). The Judezmo Society. This guide can be downloaded from the author’s page; website.


  • Noto Rashi Font, Google Fonts, fully operational Rashi font, compatible with all Google Suite products (e.g. Google Docs), website
  • Ladino Type, a transliteration engine that converts Ladino text written in the Latin alphabet into Solitreo and Rashi, website





  • Mi Mundo: Mi Primer Vokabularyo en Ladino en Imajes, Written by Nesi Altaras, Hippo Kitap, 2023, to purchase
  • Buen Shabat, Shabbat Shalom, Written by Sarah Aroeste and Illustrated by Ayesha L. Rubio, Published by Kar-Ben Publishing, 2020, Amazon
  • Mazal Bueno, Written by Sarah Aroeste Illustrated by Taia Morley, Published by Kar-Ben Publishing, 2023, Amazon
  • Tía Fortuna’s New Home: A Jewish Cuban Journey, Written by Ruth Behar and Pictures by Devon Holzwarth, Published by Penguin Random House, 2022; Amazon (English), Amazon (Spanish)
  • Across So Many Seas, Written by Ruth Behar, Published by Penguin Random House, 2024, Amazon
  • The Key From Spain, Written by Debbie Levy and Pictures by Sonja Wimmer, Published by Kar-Ben, 2019, Amazon
  • The Jewish Parrot and Other Judeo-Spanish, Tales Selected and Retold by François Azar and Illustrated by Aude Samam,  English Translation and Adaptation by Vanessa Pfister-Mesavage, Lior Editions, Bilingual, 2014, Amazon
  • Bewitched by Solika and Other Judeo-Spanish, Tales Selected and Retold by François Azar and Illustrated by Petros Bouloubasis, English Translation and Adaptation by Vanessa Pfister-Mesavage, Lior Editions, Bilingual, 2016, Amazon
  • Nono’s Kisses for Sephardic Children, Written by Flori Senor Rosenthal, Scholastic Media, 2014, Amazon


  • Ora de Despertar (Time to Wake Up), Sarah Aroeste, 2016, an all-original Ladino children’s album, with an accompanying illustrated book,


  • Ora de Despertar (Time to Wake Up), Sarah Aroeste, 2016, YouTube
    • An animated series to accompany Sarah Aroeste’s all-original Ladino children’s album of the same name.
  • Cute Kids Speaking Ladino series, with Sarah Aroeste and family, YouTube
    • This series features Sarah Aroeste’s daughter, Dalia, introducing viewers to words and phrases in Ladino


The list to follow includes booksellers with online stores, which include several titles written in Ladino:

  • Ediciones Tirocinio (ships from Spain), website
  • Sephardic Center of Istanbul (ships from Turkey), website
  • Rhodes Jewish Museum: Gift Shop (ships from United States), website
  • Lior Éditions (ships from France), website 
  • Libra Kitap (ships from Turkey), website

In the future, we hope to include additional resources, beyond those found on some of our other pages, directing viewers to specific titles and themes written in and about Ladino and Sephardic topics.


Newspaper (Contemporary)

  • El Amaneser, Sephardic Center of Istanbul, digital subscription as well as print edition available. 
    • This is the only remaining newspaper printed entirely in Ladino. It is published once a month and serves as a supplement to the Shalom (Şalom) newspaper of the Turkish-Jewish community, which prints articles in Turkish, English, as well as Ladino.
  • Aki Yerushalayim, published digitally since 2019 and appearing two-three times per year.
    • This journal was first printed in 1979 under the direction of Moshe Shaul (dbm), who published around two numbers each year until 2016; many previous editions have also been digitized and archived
  • La Djente,  Sephardic Brotherhood of America, with articles in Ladino and English (quarterly, digital and print); home page


  • eSefarad,  Noticias del Mundo Sefaradi (weekly); to subscribe visit this page


  • La Boz Sefaradi, Sephardic Jewish Brotherhood of America (weekly); to sign up, visit this page and scroll down to “Subscribe to our Newsletter”


There are a variety of courses and workshops both online (synchronous and asynchronous) and in person; some of these offerings are through community-based initiatives and educators, while others are through universities. We begin this list by providing primarily online options.

Online classes (prerecorded)

  • Ladino 101: Language and Song (English-Ladino), Sephardic Digital Academy, Sephardic Jewish Brotherhood of America, YouTube
  • Ladino 102: Language and Song (English-Ladino), Sephardic Digital Academy, Sephardic Jewish Brotherhood of America, YouTube
  • Kurso de ladino (Hebrew – Ladino), National Authority of Ladino, YouTube 

Online classes (live)

  • My Jewish Learning, starting Sunday, Sept. 8 (six-week series), website
  • Explore Ladino! Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00pm ET, email Gloria Ascher <> for more information
  • Ladino Linguist, website
  • Centro Cultural Sefarad (Spanish-Ladino), website
  • Ladino 21, website
  • Yiddishland (selection of Ladino courses), website
  • Oxford School of Rare Jewish Languages, Ladino and Haketia are often available, website 


  • In person: Viva Ladino, Boynton Beach, Florida, Sephardic Federation of Palm Beach County, website
  • Online (for High School students): Bivas: Ladino High School Club of America, website
  • Online: Los Angeles Ladineros, online monthly meetings, email Cynthia Hasday <> for more information
  • Hybrid (in person and online): Aki Estamos (French-Ladino), website

Recent college offerings at universities in the United States include: University of Washington, Seattle; University of California, Los Angeles; University of California, Berkeley, Binghamton University, University of Pennsylvania (links to follow)


Liga Amerikana del Ladino

Kon komunidades sefaradis vibrantes en los Estados Unidos i un resurjimento rezin de interes relasionado al djudeo-espanyol, la Liga Amerikana del Ladino (LAL) rekonose ke mos topamos frente un momento dechizivo en la istoria de la lingua. Ancheando los esforsos nasionales para dokumentar, prezervar, i revitalizar el ladino, la Liga Amerikana del Ladino ofre oportunidades i manaderos unikos destinados a un rango de avlantes i elevos, los kuales inkluyen sefaradim kon o sin kapachidades linguistikas indemas de akeyos ke no sean sefaradim ama les interesan ambezarsen mas. Perkuramos de ofrir apoyo aksesivle, konsultativo, kolaborativo, i finansiario a inisiativas inovadoras del ambezamiento del djudeo-espanyol de una jenerasion a la otra en multiples plataformas. Esta organizasion puvlika se engaja kon todos los interesados en el djudeo-espanyol para dar kavod a la erensia sefaradi del pasado indemas de akeyos ke sigen avlando o estudiando la lingua agora i en el avenir.
El koronavirus kreo una komunita global de elevos kon el dezeo de ambezarsen el ladino, i demostro ke los maestros de la lingua pueden adaptar sus metodos i materiales para la era del ambezamiento virtual. La Liga Amerikana del Ladino se topa en una pozision unika para ofrir apoyo personalizado para los menesteres de los elevos de la lingua oy dia i sus instruktores, sea en persona o sea en linea. Aktividades ke dezvelopan muestra komunita i ke krean un senso de koneksion kon otros avlantes de la lingua son esensiales para la kontinuasion de la lingua. Al organizar oportunidades para elevos de niveles diversos para interaktuar, echar lashon, i ambezarsen sovre la kultura sefaradi i el ladino, endjuntos, en tiempo real, la Liga Amerikana del Ladino se esforsa a mantener el momentum de este “boom” rezin de estudios de la lingua. Kreemos ke estabilir una organizasion nasional kon este rolo komplementara de modo efikas el rango de aktividades relijiozas i kulturalas sefaradis disponivles oy dia en los Estados Unidos.

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We’ll be announcing new programming and opportunities throughout the year. We look forward to being in touch.