La Liga Amerikana del Ladino (LAL) apoya la komunita diversa i kresiente de avlantes i edukadores en los Estados Unidos. Kreemos en avrir los estudios del ladino a todos los ke esten interesados. Sea kual sea vuestro konosimiento, sean kual sean vuestros butos, muestro asortimento de programes i manaderos vos ayudaran en vuestro kamino de la lingua.
The American Ladino League (ALL) supports the diverse and growing community of Ladino speakers and educators in the United States. We believe in opening Ladino studies to all who are interested. Whatever your background, whatever your goals, our suite of programs and resources will help you on your Ladino journey.
This month, we are highlighting the Ladino-English/English-Ladino Ladinokomunita Dictionary, compiled by Guler Orgun and Antonio Ruiz Tinoco. To view this document and/or download the PDF, click here. To view other resources, visit our Manaderos/ Resources page.
Online correspondence
Conversation groups
Video Documentation
Radio and Podcast
Television and Film
The list to follow includes booksellers with online stores, which include several titles written in Ladino:
In the future, we hope to include additional resources, beyond those found on some of our other pages, directing viewers to specific titles and themes written in and about Ladino and Sephardic topics.
Newspaper (Contemporary)
There are a variety of courses and workshops both online (synchronous and asynchronous) and in person; some of these offerings are through community-based initiatives and educators, while others are through universities. We begin this list by providing primarily online options.
Online classes (prerecorded)
Online classes (live)
Recent college offerings at universities in the United States include: University of Washington, Seattle; University of California, Los Angeles; University of California, Berkeley, Binghamton University, University of Pennsylvania (links to follow)
English – Ladino
Hebrew – Ladino: [we are currently looking into venues that sell these texts]
Turkish – Ladino
Spanish – Ladino
We’ll be announcing new programming and opportunities throughout the year. We look forward to being in touch.