*The deadline for the 2024 Ladinokomunita contest has passed. Winners will be announced in early 2025. Check back for information on future Ladino writing contests.*
Konkurso de Kompozision de Ladino 2024

Ladino Short Story Contest 2024
El buto i ken puede partisipar
El buto: Adelantar la lingua ladina i mantener su relevansia en el mundo aktual
Ken puede partisipar? Todos pueden partisipar! La sola ovligasion es de eskrivir en ladino. Van aver dos grupos de partisipasion:
- Prinsipiantes: Los ke se estan ambezando la lingua i ke aínda no avlan kon fluidez
- Avansados: Avlantes nativos o personas ke ya tienen un nivel avansado de la lingua.
Objective and who can participate
Objective: To advance the Ladino language and preserve its relevance in current times
Who can participate? Anyone can participate! The only requirement is that you write in Ladino. There will be two groups in which you can participate:
- Beginners: Those who are learning the language but don’t yet have full fluency
- Advanced: Native speakers and those who have a very advance level of conversational fluency
Temas i kondisiones
Temas: Las ovras pueden tratar de kualker sujeto, todo tiempo ke son en ladino. Por agora no tenemos kategorias separadas komo poezias, analisis sientifikas, kuentos para kriaturas, o kuentos. Los kuentos pueden ser fiktisios o reales.
- Los kuentos se deven entregar mezo un formulario online ande se puede kopiar i apegar el teksto
- El numero maksimo de palavras es 1,000
- Para el djuzgamiento las ovras se prezentaran anonimas, ansi rogamos de no eskrivir el nombre del autor en el teksto apegado
Terms and conditions
Themes: The short stories can be about any subject as long as they are written in Ladino. At the moment, we don’t have separate categories, like poetry, scientific análisis, children’s stories vs. stories. Stories can be fictional or real.
- You can submit your story via an online form where you can copy and paste the text
- The maximum length is 1,000 words
- The review process is anonymous, so we ask that you not include your name in the text of the story pasted in the form
Procheso de entregar
1.Va a muestro formulario online: https://forms.office.com/r/6XiiwHbx4p
2. Apega tu teksti ayi
3.Klika “submit”. Te deve salir el mesaje “Munchas grasias por partisipar…”
Si no ves este mesaje, o tienes algun problema en entregar tu teksto, por favor eskrivemos a aar.shapiro@gmail.com i vamos a tratar de responderte lo mas presto posivle.
La data d’alkavo para entregar: 31 desembre de 2024
Submission process
1.Go to our online form: https://forms.office.com/r/6XiiwHbx4p
2.Paste your text in the appropriate field
3.Click “submit”. You should see a message saying, “Munchas grasias por partisipar en el konkurso de kompozision”
(If you don’t see the message, or you have any problem submitting your text, please write to us at aar.shapiro@gmail.com and we will try to help you as soon as possible.)
The final date to submit your stories is December 31, 2024.
Los djuzgadores seran los moderadores de Ladinokomunita. Eyos van a djuzgar en baza del nivel (prinsipiantes o avansados), de los eskritores i van a evaluar en baza de tres kategorias:
La istorya: La kalidad de la narrativa – si es entendivle, orijinal, kreativo o analitiko, ets.
La gramatika: Si se eskrive bien i konforme kon las normas gramatikalas de Aki Yerushalayim
El leksiko: Si el teksto tiene un leksiko riko i variado, de modo ke ayuda a adelantar el konosimiento de la lingua i su rikeza etimolojika
The moderators of Ladinokomunita will judge the submissions. The will evaluate based on the level of the participant (beginner or advanced) and will evaluate based on three categories:
Storyline: The quality of the narrative – is it understandable, original, creative or analytical, etc.?
Grammar: Is it well-written and does it follow the grammar rules of Aki Yerushalayim?
Lexicon: Does the text have a rich and varied vocabulary (so we are helping to build the richness of the language)?
Los premios / prizes
Los kuentos premiados se publikaran en varias revistas i jurnales indikandosen en letras grandes ke son los “Ganadores del Konkurso.” Estimamos anunsiar los ganadores en verso la fin del mez de enero 2025 o al empesijo del fevrero, dependiendo del número de ovras ke ay.

The winning prizres will be published in several online publications, indicating in large letters that they are “Contest Winners.” We expect to be able to announce the winners toward the end of January of 2025 or at the beginning of February depending on the amount of submissions we get.